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Other Opportunities

There are many opportunities and programs during high school and soon after that may be of interest to help you prepare for the chapter of your life "after Rio." Find an area of your interest and volunteer, get involved in your local community, be civically engaged, use your voice for social justice, or go abroad! 


You must be 18 or older on Election Day (November 3rd) to register. You can pre-register to vote at 16 or 17 and if you do, you will automatically be registered to vote on your 18th birthday.  Register to vote.




A semester or year of experiential learning, typically taken after high school and prior to career or post-secondary education, in order to deepen one's practical, professional, and personal awareness. The benefits of taking a gap year are many and blend together across multiple areas. Taking a structured gap year invariably serves to develop the individual into a more focused student with a better sense of purpose and engagement in the world.  

Apply to college before you take a gap year. Once you are offered admission, you will need to contact the college's director of admissions and outline what you plan to do in your gap year / gap semester. The admissions committee will evaluate the letter and grant / deny the deferral. 


Study abroad programs during high school are typically offered by non-profit or for-profit program providers, which allows a student to live in a foreign country and attend a high school or participate in a group program during the summer.  The price and quality vary widely.


You may wish to start your search with the following programs:

College Night Sept 26th 2024

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